Yoga for Immunity
Yoga for Immunity
- Kriyas: Jala Nethi
- Suryanamaskaras & Asanas
- Pranayama:
- Kapalabhati 2 min
- Bhastrika 3 min
- Nadishuddhi 4 min
- Ujjayi 1 min
- Bramari 2 min
- Meditation: 15 min
- 5 Commandments for social conduct (Yamas)
- 5 Observations for Personal Hygiene (Niyamas)
- Seva: Self-less service
Practice Pranayamas twice a day
For online sessions:
Garuḍāsana (Eagle Pose)
- Garuḍāsana (Eagle Pose)> promotes circulation; aids in clearing chest congestion
- Adho Mukha Śvānāsana (Downward Facing Dog)> promotes blood flow to our sinuses
- Vīrabhadrāsana II (Warrior II) > stimulates digestion and blood flow, as well as builds stamina
- Kūrmāsana (Tortoise Pose)> stimulates the thymus which is responsible for producing T-cells to fight immunity.
Honestly all asanas will help relieve stress, even our favourite śhavāsana. Unless you are down and out with the flu, encourage yourself to move and take a gentle practice, even with a cough or sniffles. You might be able to ward off inflammation and feel better sooner with some gentle asanas. My advice for all issues emotional, mental and physical is to implement and simple yoga practices.
Immune foods: